Friday, June 8, 2007

HAS – Hardware as a Service

It's like a bad dream. If you are like me (not literally), you send all your customers to Dell, HP or a local system builder down the street because you don't want to play the quote for dismal dollars game of selling hardware. Sure there is good money in software and especially service contracts but to sell a mouse and keyboard to make $3 then have to send out a $150/hour MCSE to replace it when it breaks – somebody else can have that business you say. Not so fast. I don't like it when Michael Vizard says hardware as a service is inevitable but I'm afraid he is right. At a recent Gartner event I attended I watched hundreds of top hardware VARS and system VARS listen to industry experts and manufactures explain how they need to move into the MSP space. Hey wait a minute! That's MY SPACE! So before somebody moves your cheese, you better decide between self directed destiny or listening to the sound of inevitability.

"Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony." – Morpheus

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